Spring Has Almost Sprung
Fly fishing in the spring can be a rewarding time of the year to catch trophy trout. Well, there are a couple months to get ready for that. With the large snow storms in January and more to come in the latter part of the winter months it’s time to tie up more bugs and get your reels, line, equipment up to par to perform flawlessly.
Fly Fishing WNC in Spring

asheville fly fishing guides spring time
As the temperatures begin to warm up the trout and smallmouth begin to move around in search of insects that are becoming more present. Larger insects begin to emerge around our rivers and lakes, and capitalizing on hatches around March to May can provide anglers with trophy fish. Quill gordons and blue quills are typically the first to hatch during early March and a water temperature in the 50-55 degree Fahrenheit provide our quill gordons to make a move to the surface. The water temperature will be different for every stream, creek and river for each hatch, although commonly in the Asheville, and southern Appalachian area, quill gordons can be found present in these temperatures.
WNC Insect Hatches
Insects will begin to make their move swimming with the current attaching to rocks or timber to emerge. Trout will begin to snatch up any insects caught off guard for their daily nutrition. Wet flies including nymphs will provide vicious strikes if seen by the right trout. Tie on a wet nymph pattern and ride the current with a strike indicator or a free line, but be sure to watch your fly line closely. Insect hatches can occur suddenly, so be prepared, and keep an eye out for quick hatches.
As the air temperature begins to clime so do the insects from the river; and the many types of mayflies, and stoneflies. Cahill, hendricksons, caddis, midges, sulphurs, giant stone flies, and BWO’s are a few of the ever-present insects that like to play during the warming spring months. During the morning hours when the fog is still sitting close to the water wet flies will be used mostly. After the fog has risen, keep an eye out for insect hatches because switching to a dry fly can be the next meal ticket. If a hatch isn’t occurring try tying on a wet fly to entice hungry brown trout or rainbows – they are always looking for a quick meal.
Asheville Fly Fishing Guides – Spring Fishing
Southern Appalachian Anglers provides trophy fly fishing guide trips in Asheville, Western North Carolina. To learn more about fly fishing in WNC during the spring months, contact Southern Appalachian Anglers online or by calling (828) 691-1506.